Thursday, August 2, 2007

Howdy Folks!

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the GwenMatt Gazette!
I intend to update this blog once or twice a week in order to allow far-flung family members and friends to keep up with the doings of the Seattle Sawicki clan, but I make no promises... Until I settle into this mom of 2 thing I might be lucky to post once a month :) Feel free to drop by and leave a comment... Eventually I will figure out how to have an email automatically sent out when I update the blog but for now you will just have to pop in and check.

After the virtual whirlwind of the past week with Aunt Evie, Grandma and Grandpa C visiting the past two days have been lazy summer days.

Yesterday I packed up the little ones and headed over to Greenlake for a walk in the beautiful sunshine.
Gwen enjoyed communing with the ducks...
And Matt, well, Matt just snoozed in his sling- no appreciation for the beautiful day whatsoever. Kids.

Our trip yesterday was so much fun that we repeated it again today. Total lack of creativity on my part but if it ain't broke...
Today we utilized the double stroller as the single stroller/sling combination was a bit too complicated (trying to push the stroller with one hand while supporting Matt's head with the other and trying not to notice the sweat dribbling down my front where the sling & Matt were increasing the ambient temperature by several hundred degrees).
Gwen enjoyed a PB&J with a side of raisins as we strolled around the lake.
Matt? He slept. Surprise, surprise.
It was another gorgeous day and I envied the folks out on the lake. Gwen just wanted to hang with the ducks. Again.

I had thought about taking Gwen over to the wading pool today but after seeing this madness

I am glad I decided against it.

Today we also had the added pleasure of glimpsing the Blue Angels during their rehearsal for the big SeaFair air show this weekend. They practice and perform over Lake Washington but we could see the tell-tale contrails

and eventually a group did fly over Greenlake- a terrible picture, I know, but those planes are awfully fast! Those little black specks in the middle of the photo (yes, the ones that look like dirt on my lens) really are the Blue Angels.
I have to say that after pushing two different non-sporting type strollers around the lake the past couple of days I am totally lusting after one of these:

A BOB Revolution Duallie stroller. Love the orange. Hate the price. Yes, at $499 on sale I realize this stroller probably costs more than some of you paid for your first car. But a girl can dream...
Tomorrow's docket includes yet another trip to Greenlake but this time we will be joined by our friend Jolene and her son Haiden. And tomorrow evening the family parade continues with the arrival of Paul/Grandpa S.
Have a great day!

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